Libraries (functions and functionblocks) offer several advantages
compared to 'straightforward' programming:
- A clear separation of functionalities and responsibilities
- Easy reuse of functionality (code)
- De (main)application remains concise and well-arranged
- Testing and debugging of library functionality is not necessary
- Complicated and/or specialized functionality or code can be
isolated (and outsourced)
A well defined, designed, tested, and documented library is
by the fact that one is using it over and over for years, and then
that for al this time one never had to look into the source code.
We supply, design and develop libraries for several brands of
In close cooperation with the customer the lay-out, architecture
and shape
is determined:
- Required functionality
- Configurable options and characteristics
- The user-interface
The libraries are documented in detail, and fully and thoroughly tested
before release. If unfortunately bugs might still arise, they are
under warranty. Delivery with or without source-code is possible.